Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

10 O viedo | C ampoamor T heatre | We likewise wish to fondly remember the fourteen people who shared in her release, impeccably and courageously carried out by the Colombian Armed Forces, whom we congratulate and encourage in their long-suffering work fraught with perils. We also spur on those governments which, like that of our sister country Colombia, work to consolidate democracy, civil liberties, peaceful coexistence and the definitive end to political and social problems of such injustice and gravity for security and health, for regional stability and the needs for economic and social development. Ladies and Gentlemen, Throughout these years, many of our Laureates have warned us of the challenges that humanity faces at the beginning of the 21st century. Many have spoken lucidly and with concern about different aspects of a process in which we have been immersed for several decades now: globalization, a process which has driven the inexorable rapprochement of nations until forming a truly global village, in which we share, now more than ever, the future of our destinies and the consequences of our deeds. Within this framework, we make the most of the opportunities provided by universal access to communication and knowledge transmission systems. Let us work together to stabilise and heal the international financial system as soon as possible. Let us all seek to suitably channel the pressure of human development on our planet’s environment. Let us act as a solid front when faced with natural disasters and major catastrophes. And let us join forces to fight efficiently by means of the instruments of the rule of law against terrorism and all forms of organized crime. These global realities of the interdependent world in which we live affect essential aspects of our existence and condition our freedom, progress and welfare, which, for the time being, still await effective global solutions. From this very stage, we have heard demands for united responses to many of the aforementioned challenges. However, despite their importance and, whilst recognizing the value and effort of many initiatives of different kinds and origins, these challenges have not been addressed with the necessary conviction, celerity or forcefulness. The recent financial crisis has highlighted both the true breadth and depth of this process and the urgent need to overcome the great perils and challenges that this global community which we are building present us with. It reveals how essential it is for societies and states to become aware of the need for institutions to put order in and regulate globalization; in short, to offer greater confidence and hope to all the planet’s inhabitants. This process needs to be managed by means of a great cooperative effort and worldwide agreement. It requires a balanced impetus that, while respectful of the responsibilities of the different states, is also audacious, so that we can face up to these challenges with resolve and a view to the future. For this to be so, we must exploit all the advantages this new world scenario provides. The last three decades have evidenced Spain’s will to build its future on the solid basis of democratic values and to take up a proactive position on the international stage. I am convinced that Spain is determined to contribute, on the basis of these foundations, to this great multilateral effort in channelling the process of globalization. For that reason, and on speaking of our country, I would like to conclude by evoking other important events that also changed the course of our history forever and which had a major influence on many places in the world. This year we commemorate the bicentenary of the War of Independence and the 30th anniversary of our current Constitution. In addition, we are presently preparing the bicentenaries of the Independence of the sister republics in America and of the Constitution of Cadiz, the first liberal constitution in all of what we nowadays call Latin America. All these, either peacefully or through truly difficult sacrifices, were paths that sought freedom and justice, momentous steps in the evolution towards an advanced, democratic society, governed by the rule of law. They are also, like all great historical events, examples for the future. The Spanish “It is so: we human beings cannot live without freedom. We survive without it, but we do not live to the full.” 24 th O ctober 2008