Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

P rince of A sturias A wards 1981-2014. S peeches 11 people, and above all the youngest among us, must ponder these events and learn from these mistakes, failures, glories and achievements so as never to repeat what should never have occurred and to extol all that is good in them, all that has transformed us into a great nation: into a Spain that is democratic, diverse, fully integrated in Europe, in control of its destiny, a nation of which we feel so proud. Spain exists in its yesterday, in its great history, but above all in its tomorrow. For that reason, these lessons from the past and the mists that usually obscure our view of the future cannot stop us from clearly seeing that we are facing a new world, a very different one from that of the 20th century, one that is broader and more complex, with powerful new voices, which announce profound modifications in the way in which we have conceived, experienced and administered our world. As in every period of transition and of such rapid and profound changes, the current period is full of risk and uncertainty, but also of opportunities and hope. The journey we have before us is not mundane. To venture forward into these new times requires, more than ever before, skilfully choosing the course and firmly holding to it, and demands a determined, shared will, based on solidarity among all the people of Spain, that bolsters their hopes, confidence and security. It is a journey in which it is essential for all this effort to drink from the wells of humanism and ethics, which foster the best of human life. History also taught us that one of the keys to the progress of mankind is the capacity of people and societies to adapt to technological changes. For that reason, we have to be aware that the education of our young people and citizens constitutes one of the main pillars of our future well-being; an education that is continually brought up to date, with a universal outlook based on effort, work well done and which is successfully connected with the working world. Likewise, innovation, scientific research and the new technologies must constitute the very core of our productive fabric, ensuring the competitiveness of our businesses in the global market in which they currently carry out their activities. Only thus, in this knowledge society in which we now live, will wealth be created and distributed and employment be created, which is one of the major concerns of the Spanish people. This is hence, more than ever before, the moment to stand our ground firmly on the great principles and values that are the soul and raison d’être of our Awards. Those principles and values that support our faith in the future and underpin our determination to build a world which we want to be more prosperous, but, above all, more sustainable and more socially committed, more just and always free. Each year, our Laureates enrich our ideas and remind us of the importance of serving as an example through their own personal history. We shall thus continue to recognize in these Awards those who seek truth and beauty, those who work for peace and the well-being and freedom of all, those who, in short, help build this forever unfinished city of a better world. Thank you. “The education of our young people and citizens constitutes one of the main pillars of our future well-being.”