Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

P rince of A sturias A wards 1981-2014. S peeches 11 overcome, never losing hope or self-control when one has to struggle day to day, each one of us doing the task that falls to each. You have formed an exceptional group: a head coach, Vicente del Bosque, who brought level- headedness, discretion and modesty, in addition to his decisive technical contribution. And a set of extraordinary players in whom the quality of your football is on a par with the high quality they have shown as human beings. You belong to a formidable generation of Spanish sportsmen and women in so many disciplines and categories that has made us a sporting power worldwide. You are the young, ambitious, capable Spain, lacking in complexes, unyielding, a demonstration that the young people of present-day Spain are ready to aspire to the highest of goals. What’s more, on those days, you made us feel —in our streets, squares and homes— emotion and pride in being Spanish, in belonging to a great nation. For all this, we express to you today our gratitude, and with this Award, besides the admiration and applause of this theatre, we also pass on to you the recognition, joy and applause of all of Spain. The granting of the Award for Concord to an organization like Manos Unidas makes our Awards gain in stature and take on their deepest meaning. Manos Unidas is a institution beloved by Spaniards that came into being 50 years ago now when a group of women belonging to Acción Católica responded to the campaign against hunger promoted and undertaken by the fao. With the passing of time, 40,000 volunteers, 71 branches, action programmes in countries in Africa, America and Asia, the support of hundreds of projects, et cetera , constitute some of the figures that endorse the actions of Manos Unidas. Its aims highlight the needed, useful humanism of this institution: the all-out fight against hunger and poverty, patient work in support of the education of the most needy, the social promotion of people, with special attention to women, agricultural development and healthcare. Today, we also wish to manifest our gratitude to three worthy groups of people making up this institution and making it grow extraordinarily in stature. The missionaries that devote their lives to so many people wallowing in the most absolute neglect. The volunteers, in whose actions the best of human behaviour flourishes. And all those who contribute to making this desire to give of oneself a tangible reality that characterizes the work of Manos Unidas. At this ceremony, we always encounter that beautiful, meaningful word, concord, which sums it all up in an ideal way, which attracts progress and facilitates coexistence, which, in short, makes humanity better. Thank you, therefore, to the colossal chain of “joined hands” at Manos Unidas. Working hand in hand to help others. Working hand in hand to heal, feed and educate. Working hand in hand simply to save. May your joined hands never come asunder. Ladies and Gentlemen, Our Laureates have spoken of beauty, dignity and sacrifice, of effort and generosity. They enable us to extol the value of merit. Let us underscore in their work, in their so rich and varied experiences that which has most value for us as an example and guide, to thus keep up the enthusiasm and hope that is so necessary at this difficult crossroads for humanity that we are living through. Spain has proven to itself on many occasions throughout history, with the admiration of one and all, that it knows how to overcome the most crucial moments. It now has to do so once more, tackling the causes and consequences of a process that is seriously affecting its economy and welfare; when, at the same time, changes of enormous import of geo-political, economic and strategic order are being produced. And it has to do so once more trusting in its talent and fortitude, with faith in our capacity to prevail. In this way, we shall manage to build, with hope in the future, an economy that is both more competitive and more efficient, one which does not flee from the risk of enterprise and innovation, agile to adapt to the speeded-up changes that we are experiencing and which is capable of generating employment. A society of solidarity and inclusion, one in which so many people without work know that their situation is only transitory, never one of despondency without end.