Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

32 Speech Page Speech Page I ndex of names Great Lakes [region of Africa] . XVI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . XVIII . 4 Greece Ancient . XII . 7 . XXIV . 11 . XXIX . 10 . XXXIII . 5 classical . XVI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Grisolía, Santiago . X . 5 Gross Domestic Product, GDP . XXVI . 4 . XXXII . 6 Guatemala . XVII . 3, 9, 10 Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity [Spanish acronym, urng] . XVII . 9, 10 Guernica [by Picasso] . XXII . 5 Guijarro, María . XIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Gullón, Ricardo . IX . 3 Gutiérrez Merino, Gustavo [Father] . XXIII . 7 H Habermas, Jürgen . XXIII . 2, 8, 9 Hafez . XXIII . 2 Hammurabi, Code of . XXIV . 3 Haneke, Michael . XXXIII . 3, 7 Harry Potter . XXIII . 10 Hatikva [poem] . X . 3 Havel, Václav . XVII . 2, 10, 11 Hawking, Stephen . IX . 2 Hazlitt, William . XXI . 4 Hendricks, Barbara . XX . 9, 10 Hernández, Miguel . VIII . 5 Hernández, Pepu . XXVI . 10 Hernández, Xavi . XXXII . 10 Hernández Colón, Rafael . XI . 4 Hespérides [Spanish research vessel] . XXII . 10 Hierro Real, José . XXVII . 11 Higgs, Peter . XXXIII . 8 Hitler, Adolf . XXVI . 3 Holocaust, the . XXV . 8 . XXVII . 5, 10 Holy Spirit grace from the . XX . 4 Holy Land . XIV . 2 . XV . 11 . XX . 11 Humanitarian Office of the European Community . XVIII . 5 Hungary . XXIX . 3 Hunter, Tony . XXIV . 8 Hussein I of Jordan, HM King . XV . 4 I Ibero-America . V . 3 . VI . 3 . VII . 3 . VIII . 7 . XX . 3 Ibero-American Summit [in Estoril] . XXIX . 9 Ibn Maymun, [Maimonides] . XV . 4 Ifakara Health Institute . XXVIII . 6 Iglesias Prada, Juan Luis . XXXI . 7 Iglesias Santos, Juan . XXI . 6, 7 Ignatius of Loyola, Saint . XX . 8 ihrs [international health regulations] . XXIX . 5 Iijima, Sumio . XXVIII . 7 Inca Garcilaso . XIV . 4 . XXXIII . 7 Independence, bicentenary of the War of . XXVIII . 10 India . XXV . 4 Indian Ocean . XXIII . 4 Indonesia . XXIII . 4 Induráin, Miguel . XII . 7, 8 . XX . 10 institutes Biblical Institute of Rome . XX . 9 Institute of Building Statics and Construction, Zurich . XIX . 6 Institute of International Education (iee) in New York . . . . . . . . XXXIV . 9 [Jane Goodall] Institute . XXIII . 9 Max Planck Institute . XXVI . 9 National Biodiversity Institute of Costa Rica . XV . 9, 10 Instituto Camões . XXV . 8, 9 Caro y Cuervo de Colombia . XIX . 5, 6 Cervantes . XXV . 8 International Criminal Court . XXXIV . 6 International Criminal Tribunal (ict) . XXXIV . 6 International Red Cross . XXXII . 10, 12 International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement . XXXII . 3, 9, 12 International Space Station . XXI . 8 Iran . XXII . 6 Ireland . XXVI . 4, 9 Isaiah, the Prophet . XV . 11 Isinbayeva, Yelena . XXIX . 10 Israel . X . 3 . XIV . 8 . XV . 11 . XXII . 4 . XXVII . 9 Parliament of . XIV . 8 State of . XXII . 4 I G-H