Memoria 2023

79 Fundación Princesa de Asturias MEMORIA 2023 INFORMACIÓN FINANCIERA BALANCE SHEET AT 31ST DECEMBER 2023 AND 2022 Expressed in euros 2022 2023 A) NON CURRENT ASSETS I. Intangible assets 1. Patents, licences, trademarks and similar II. Historical heritage assets 1. Archives (handwritten letters and other works of art) III. Property, plant and equipment 1. Land and buildings 2. Plant and other items of property, plant and equipment VI. Long – term financial investments 1. Equity instruments 2. Debt securities 3. Other financial assets ASSETS B) CURRENT ASSETS VI. Short – term financial investments 3. Equity instruments 5. Other financial assets VIII. Cash and cash on hand 1. Cash on hand TOTAL ASSETS (A + B) EQUITY AND LIABILITIES A) EQUITY A-1) Shareholder Equity I. Social Fund 1. Social Fund II. Reserves IV. Profit from the financial year A-2) Valuation Adjustments A-3) Grants, donations and legacies received II. Donations and legacies received C) CURRENT LIABILITIES VI. Trade and other payables 1. Payable to suppliers 3. Payable to creditors 6. Tax payables VII. Short-term accruals TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (A + C) 34 404 539 33 135 320 2 848 110 2 191 596 723 186 1 468 410 656 514 656 514 6 196 385 4 937 236 4 244 112 693 124 1 259 149 1 259 149 31 556 429 35 669 35 669 1 524 717 1 524 717 1 278 998 768 290 510 708 28 717 045 10 845 805 17 869 910 1330 26 938 935 — — 1 516 717 1 516 717 1 422 979 822 119 600 860 23 999 239 9 980 049 13 513 900 505 290 33 620 101 31 036 400 26 751 962 26 751 962 3 869 546 414 892 1 117 301 1 406 400 1 406 400 32 508 164 30 621 508 26 751 962 26 751 962 3 652 130 217 416 480 256 1 406 400 1 406 400 784 438 724 438 287 256 200 312 236 870 60 000 627 156 627 156 92 457 301 408 233 291 — 34 404 539 33 135 320