Memoria 2023

81 Fundación Princesa de Asturias MEMORIA 2023 INFORMACIÓN FINANCIERA 2023 2022 PROFIT OR LOSS AT THE END OF 31ST DECEMBER 2023 AND 2022 Expressed in euros A) Continuing operations 1. Income received by the Entity for its own activity 5 794 581 5 280 381 a) Income received from promoters, sponsors and collaborators 5 794 581 5 280 381 3. Expenses for aids and others (431 982) (437 780) a) Cash aids (431 982) (437 780) 8. Staff costs (2 282 050) (2 150 980) a) Wages, salaries and others (1 837 716) (1 741 440) b) Social contributions (444 334) (409 540) 9. Other operating expenses (3 430 665) (2 856 962) a) External services (3 430 665) (2 856 962) 10. Depreciation and amortization charge (185 477) (156 648) A.1) SURPLUS FROM ACTIVITIES (1+3+8+9+10) (535 593) (321 989)) 14. Finance income 857 455 681 761 b) Marketable securities and other financial instruments 857 455 681 761 b1) From third parties 857 455 681 761 20. Impairment and gains or losses of financial assests and liability 93 030 (142 356) a) Impairment and losses — (300 381) b) Disposals of financial instruments 93 030 158 025 A.2) SURPLUS FROM FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS (14+18) 950 485 539 405 A.3) BEFORE-TAX SURPLUS (A.1+A.2) 414 892 217 416 A.4) SURPLUS FROM ONGOING OPERATIONS (A.3) 414 892 217 416 B) Discontinued operations A.5) Variation in the net equity (A.4) 414 892 217 416 C) Revenues and expenses recognized directly in equity 1. Available-for-sale financial assets 790 075 (1 048 561) C.1) Overall change in equity from income and expenses recognized directly in equity 790 075 (1 048 561) D) Reclassifications to the surplus for the financial year D.1) Changes in equity due to reclassifications to the surplus for the financial year (93 030) (158 025) E) Change in equity due to income and expenses recognised in equity (C1+D1) 697 045 (1 206 586) J) TOTAL RESULTS, CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (A.5+E) 1 111 937 (989 170)